Important Cities in 500 a.d.


In 527 a.d. the throne of the Byzantian empire was taken by Justinian I. Justinian came to the throne at the age of 44. Being a wise man, the new king wanted his people to be successful and live their life in comfort. Justinian commissioned many reforms to help make his subject live easier and better lives. One of his most important reforms was on the rights of women. Justnian gave women the right to buy land, and own property. He also insured that widows would have the ability to care for their families after their husbands' death. During his reign he built aqueducts, bridges, and more than 25 churches including the great Hagia Sophia, a church of Holy wisdom, which took almost 6 years to build, and now stands as an architectural wonder of the world. In 1453 The Sultan Mehmet II, ruler of the Ottoman empire, conquered the city, and with that, marking the end of the East Roman Empire. Mehmet was amazed at the beauty of Hagia Sophia and immediately converted it into his imperial mosque.  Centuries later in 1930, the city's name is changed to Istanbul, as it is known now, located in present Turkey.

1. Mural of King Justinian I 
2. The Byzantine church of Hagia Sopia commissioned by King Justinian I in 532 ad.
3. Interior of Hagia Sophia